"Tuberoschistura arakanensis"
Scientific name: Currently undescribed, see notes below
Common name: Rosy Loach
Synonyms: "Tuberoschistura arakanensis"
Distribution: Likely to originate from Myanmar (Araken state?)
Sexual Dimorphism: Well-conditioned males have a much more intense orange-red colouration
Maximum size: Unknown
Similar to: Juvenile Yunnanilus brevis
Care: A soft sand substrate should be provided in order to protect the delicate sensory barbel area, and they will appreciate the cover of live plants. Early indications suggest that they will cohabit peacefully with other small species of a similar disposition. They are said to share their natural micro-habitat with the Celestial Pearl Danio (Celestichthys margaritatus).
Feeding: Sinking catfish pellets and small frozen foods such as Daphnia, baby brineshrimp, and cyclops.
Water parameters: pH: 7.0-7.8, Hardness: Medium-hard, Recommended dh: 8-20 degrees.
Temperature: 72ºF to 79ºF (22-26°C)
Breeding: Unknown
A newly imported species in the aquatics trade (Sept/Oct 2006), which was given the Latin name "Tuberoschistura arakanensis" by the suppliers. No records of the aforementioned name actually exist and so this is actually likely to be an undescribed species. This species does not seem to have much in common with other Tuberoschistura species, so a change in name may well eventually come about. Early observations show many similarities to that of young Yunnanilus brevis. Rosy Loaches have arrived at a small size (<1" TL) and quite underweight. They are a very active species, swimming around at all levels of the aquarium, and can be seen continually foraging about for food morsels and investigating their surroundings.
Several months after import, Rosy Loach owners all seem to concur that this species is attaining a maximum TL of just 1".
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