Pangio oblonga
Scientific Name: Pangio oblonga (Valenciennes, 1846)
Common name: Black Kuhli, Chocolate Kuhli, Cinnamon Loach, Java Loach.
Synonyms: Pangio javanicus, Acanthophthalmus javanicus, Acanthopthalmus oblongus, Cobitis oblonga, Pangio oblongus (misspelling)
Distribution: Viet Nam, Laos, Cambodia, Indonesia, Java, Sumatra, Borneo and Malay Peninsula. Also reported in Myanmar, India and Bangladesh.
Sexual Dimorphism: Females probably noticeably plumper when loaded with eggs like other Pangio species.
Maximum size: 3 inches (8cm)
Similar to: Pangio filinaris, Pangio pangia.
Care: All kuhlis need well-established aquaria and should not be considered for newly set up tanks. This is one of the "un-banded" kuhlis. The fish is uniform in color ranging from a reddish-brown or milk chocolate color to almost black. The fins are translucent and the belly is usually paler than the rest of the body. This fish likes a soft substrate with lots of hiding places and plants. Best kept in groups, the larger the better. Three fish is the absolute minimum that should be kept together.
Feeding: Easily fed. Accepts good quality flake, sinking pellets, thawed frozen Bloodworm, Mysis Shrimp, Brine Shrimp, etc.
Water parameters: pH: 6.4-7.0 Hardness: Soft
Temperature: 77 ºF to 80 ºF (25 - 26 °C)
Breeding: Has been bred by Richard Bias in New Jersey, USA.
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