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Nemacheilus masyai

by Mark in Vancouver last modified Jan 23, 2011 08:55 AM



Nemacheilus masyai

Scientific name: Nemacheilus masyai (Smith, 1933)

Common name: Arrow Loach, Checkerboard Sand Loach

Synonyms: Nemacheilus masyae, Noemacheilus masyae

Distribution: western Malaysia, Peninsular Thailand, the Meklong and part of the Mae Nam Chao Phraya basins. Possibly Mekong.

Sexual Dimorphism: Females are generally larger with a rounder abdomen.

Maximum size: 5.25 Inches (13.5cm)

Similar to: Nemacheilus pallidus

Care: The aquarium should have a decent flow rate and be well-oxygenated. A substrate of fine sand to allow digging and lots of smooth rounded pebbles and numerous shelters such as bogwood and slate. Reasonably bright lighting to simulate the shallow stream beds in which they are found.

Feeding: Most foods accepted. Commercial sinking formulations and bottom-dwelling live-foods. Frozen foods such as bloodworm, brine shrimp, Daphnia.

Water parameters: pH: 6.0-7.5 Hardness: Soft-medium Max dh: 12

Temperature: 68ºF to 77 ºF (18-25°C)

Breeding: Females may become gravid, but no successful aquarium breeding is known.


Nemacheilus masyai






Inhabits shallow depths of 6.5 feet (2 metres) or less in rivers and streams with moderate current and muddy to sandy bottoms. Also in clear, slightly black water streams flowing through forested areas. May also be found in turbid waters.

A more peaceable member of the Nemacheiline group of loaches, N.masyai should be kept in social groups of at least three or more specimens.

Very likely to be confused with N. pallidus, but is distinguishable by a more slender body, eye closer to the top of the head, and darker and wider markings (spots and saddles usually wider than interspaces, versus thinner in N. pallidus).


Nemacheilus masyai

Nemacheilus masyai

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