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Loaches Online - Past, Present, and Future

by Jeff Shafer last modified Sep 14, 2007 09:35 PM

Welcome to our Community

This site, like any community,  thrives because new people continually join and bring their own experiences. We look forward to helping if you are a new Loach enthusiast, or sharing in your experience if you have kept them for a long time. We welcome new ideas that may further everyone's enjoyment of Loaches and now we can incorporate these quickly and easily into the site.

Enjoy the new Loaches Online and check back frequently. Read the News and Recent Updates sections to learn about the latest site changes. If you would like to submit an article for the website, please contact one of the Moderators. Together, we can all build a better Loaches Online and help further the community spirit in the wonderful hobby of Loach-keeping.

Loaches Online History

This is the third incarnation of this site, which was originally "Clown Loach: A Fish Website" back in the Internet dark ages of 1996, and AquaWeb in later years.

Since then, Loaches Online has grown dramatically thanks to the infectious enthusiasm for this group of fishes by the members of the Loach Forum. Because we all keep other fish, the necessity arose to create a Freshwater Fish Forum and also an Off-Topic Forum where anything but fish may be discussed. The two fish Forums are moderated, but the Off-Topic Forum is not, so can be somewhat controversial in content.

This site exists primarily to provide information on Loaches, thereby furthering the hobby of Loach-keeping. Since 1998, many new species have become available and almost every week, some new piece of information becomes known, or a scientific reclassification happens. Because of this rapid expansion of knowledge, this new site was created. It features state of the art software that allows the site owner and the Moderator team to continually update it with ease.

The Forums operate very much as a community. Long-term and strong friendships have been formed by many members. Some have even met one another, even though they may live in different countries. The Loaches Online community includes hobbyists with many years experience, new fishkeepers, professional Ichthyologists, people from the Ornamental fish trade, and people who actually live in South-East Asia and catch Loaches in local rivers and streams.

Loaches Online represents the greatest grouping of practical experience with Loaches to be found on the Internet. It also represents the greatest collection of images of loach species that you will find, thanks to the photographic skills and contributions from many members.

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